Top Tips for Concrete Pool Design

The summers at your place will never be the same after you get your new outdoor concrete pool. You will be able to entertain like never before and keep the kids entertained for hours and you’re secretly excited by a quick dip on a hot summer’s night. The most important thing though (besides the cost) is the design of the pool, it needs to be a good fit for your family and backyard so it will be used often. Basically, space, pool usage, amount of people, the look and aftercare maintenance. So when you are creating concrete pool designs, consider the following five tips:

Firstly, do you really have enough space in your backyard for a new pool? You need to consider the actual space for the pool and all the other aspects, fences, decking, maintenance areas etc. This is important because if the pool is too small for the amount of people it may inhibit your family from using it often.

Secondly, when you are thinking about the space and the potential shape of the pool, how do you picture your family using it? Will the kids just play games and muck around or will your family want swim laps daily? The aim is to get the design in sync with how your family will naturally want to use it.

Volume of People
Thirdly, how many people do you see using your pool? Do you have a large family, planning on entertaining a lot or would it be two people swimming laps side by side.

Look and Feel
Do you want the luxurious tropical resort look or a practical but neat public pool look? Are you at the stage of life where you can splash out and beautiful surrounding gardens, include a spa or will a pool and a couple of banana chairs do the trick?

It goes without saying there’s always one particular person within a relationship that will be maintaining the pool once it is built Whenever you start developing an idea for a design, ask what’s the weekly maintenance required. Your partner may be willing to have one hour spare every weekend but it may end up being three or four hours. It’s always good to help set the expectations once built.

In summary, your concrete pool design needs to be comparable with how your family will naturally use the pool to ensure you get lots of use for years to come. Outback Pools can help you with all your concrete pool design questions.

Outback Pools are qualified pool builders who’ve been fitting and installing exceptional concrete pools since 1976.They can guide you through every step of the construction process, from the initial pool design to completion, and always ensure you are getting the best advice. If you would like to know more contact Outback Pools today. Feel free to call on (02) 4721 8914 or fill out an online enquiry form.


  1. Beautiful pools. This blog share very useful ideas to make pool more beautiful. Pool design companies Burbank CA help to make beautiful pool design.


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